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Interview with Alex Pisarev of Prikaz Toy Soldiers.


Prikaz Toy Soldiers is another company from Russia that is owned by Alex Pisarev. Maybe not as popular as Plastic Platoon or Engineer Basevich. But that should change with each set they make. Prikaz means “Order” or “Regiment” in Russian. Last year was the first year of production. The first sets they made were of the Streltsy. Russian riflemen from the 16th Century to the 18th Century.



Then they moved to medieval sets. These sets had many figures of everyday people besides the normal collection of warriors.

Recently Alex was able to answer some questions about his company.

Warhorse Miniatures: Hi Alex. I understand the you began making your figures last year. Can you tell us something about yourself and about your company?

Alex Pisarev: Hello, Mike. Yes, I began to produce sets of plastic soldiers a year ago. For me, this is a completely new and very interesting page of my life. About myself, in short, then: I am 39 years old, married, a historian (Ph. D.). For 11 years I worked in a school as a history teacher. From 2000 to the present day I have been a reenactor (Vietnam War, earlier – Moscow Streltsy, Indochina war and historical fencing). With the soldiers it turned out like this: I made a series of sketches of figures for the set of “The Ancient Slavs” by Igor Basevich (Engineer Basevich), and became interested in the design of the soldiers. From design to production, in which Andrey Litvinenko (Warhansa) helped me a lot. The name “Order” appeared from a long-term scientific study of the 17th century Russian army. The order is a regiment (Moscow Streltsy) in Old Russian.

Warhorse Miniatures: You told me that you were a History teacher for a while and a Historian. Your figures seem to be historically based. Can you tell us more about your existing figure sets?


Alex Pisarev: Yes, as I said, I am a historian and worked for a long time as a schoolteacher. For me the creation of the figure of an ancient warrior is an amazing opportunity to apply my knowledge as a historian with the experience of a reenactor and  to combine all this with my love of a toy soldiers. In total, I released 12 sets of soldiers on two topics. The first theme was the release of figures about Russian & European Warfare in the 17th century. There are Russian Streltsy with their commanders and Polish soldiers. The Russian & Polish soldiers are in action poses. My second favorite theme is the Viking Age (and of course the Ancient Russia as part of this era). In this series of sets, I did not focus on action poses. Although I love them very much. I wanted to create a peculiar world of the princely court, an old Russian or Scandinavian city. To populate it with not only military, but also with civilian characters. Thus, an old woman housekeeper, a Jewish merchant, a Scandinavian merchant, Princess Rogneda, a pagan priest, Prince Rurik on a throne and other figures appeared.

Warhorse Miniatures: Your latest set is based on the Indochina war of 1947-54. This is an interesting subject. Can you tell us why you chose to base some figures on this era? Also any other sets from this theme?


Alex Pisarev: The Indochina War and the battle of Dien Bien Phu is my newest project. I would like to model this after my medieval sets. To make soldiers of various units, historical personalities (such French officers as Jean-Pierre, Raphalle, Saint-Marc, Bijard, Langley, Vietnamese – Ho Chi Minh, Vo Nguyen Ziap and others), plus civilian characters of French and Vietnamese. It’s hard for me to say exactly what attracted me to the Indochina war. I am generally fascinated by Vietnam. Moreover, both the Indochina and Vietnam wars in Russia are known only to fans of this era and  profession historians. In the set of “2BEP” combined interest in the unknown, the love of adventure and respect for the exploits of the warriors of the past.

Warhorse Miniatures: Your Medieval sets are my favorite figures that you have made. Will you continue making sets with this theme?


Alex Pisarev: Of course, I will continue this series. Because a Prince needs a Princess, a Princess needs servants, merchants need helpers and competitor. Then there is a need of peasants, artisans, and of course new warriors. I would like to expand the geography to make sets about the Saxons, Franks, Normans, Baltic Slavs, maybe Czechs & Alans.

Warhorse Miniatures: Can you tell us what sets you have available for sale?


Alex Pisarev: Yes, certainly. Currently available for purchase: the Viking Age sets: “Prince’s court -1”, “Prince’s court-2: Konung”, “Prince’s court-3: Prince”, “Squad”; the wars of the 17th century sets: “Assault”, “Streltsy (Russian king guard)”, “Streltsy: the Headquarters”; the Indochina war sets: “2 BEP”.

Prince Court #1. Russian Medieval Market.

Prince court #2. Viking life. Ragnar.

Prince court #3. Russian Prince Rurik

Squad. Noble Warriors

2BEP. Dien Bien Phu




Warhorse Miniatures: That is great news that you plan to expand with more medieval sets. The villager poses are much needed. Anything that you can tell us about any future sets?


Alex Pisarev: I can’t reveal my plans completely, but I will say this; in the development now is the set “Squad 2”. It will include 1 Horseman and three foot soldiers of 10-11 centuries. What exactly they will be, I will not say yet. Let it be a surprise. Also in the development is the set of “Princely Court 4: Princess”, where there will necessarily be a figure of Princess Olga, maybe Prince Svyatoslav, the maid of the Princess and an Orthodox priest. I am also thinking about the second set of the Indochina War series, “1 BEP” .



Here is a preview of an Artillery set that Alex is working on too.


Warhorse Miniatures: I have only seen a few of your sets on eBay. Where else can collectors find your figures?


Alex Pisarev: I have a group on Facebook PRIKAZ plastic toy soldiers and VK “ПРИКАЗ” солдатики Алексея Писарева.

You can also write to me directly


Warhorse Miniatures: Thank You again Alex. Is there any thing else you would like to say to the readers?

Alex Pisarev: Thank you, Mike. Dear readers – also thank you very much for your attention and interest in the toy soldiers “PRIKAZ”.

Sincerely, Alex Pisarev

The Prikaz figures were a wonderful surprise for me last year. I have been looking for some figures that I could use to create a village. These figures are perfect for that. You can set up a lot of displays with the poses of these figures. The even look a lot better painted. You can order from Alex directly. He is selling most of his sets right now between $30 to $38. 

Well that is it for now. Thank you for reading.



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