The Latest News!!! 05-17-2020 ~ Toy Soldier Previews Petite Guerre, Bullet Proof Miniatures, Engineer Basevich, Publius and Little Men. Plus some Vintage Finds!!


I hope every one is doing well. I have been working off and on. I was able to get out this week to visit some antique stores and a couple of comic shops. I found a few things while I was out searching. We will get to that later. I thought this post was going to be quick post about some vintage toys that I found. But in the last couple of days I became aware of a few things. So let us begin…..


French Reg4a

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Nino has been busy at Petite Guerre. He is working on some French & Indian War French Regular Infantry. They should be the same scale as the Barzso Figures. Go to his page to check out more,

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Virginia Reg1Virginia Reg2

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Bullet Proof Miniatures is a new company that makes miniatures by 3D printing them. You can chose the scale of your figure. I am going to get a few figures to do a review in the future. I hope that some of these new figures will fit in with my Barzso figures. You can read more about them at their Facebook page over here,

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Winter 44

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Publius is going to release a new WWII Russian Infantry set. This set is titled “Winter 44th” They look great. The scale is 1/32.

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Battle Berlin Russians1Battle Berlin Russians

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Engineer Basevich also has a new WWII Russian Infantry set. This set is titled “Battle of Berlin”. Here are some pictures of the test figures. I hope that they are either green or rusty brown. From what I have read they are based on real people. You can read more at their Facebook page,

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In 2018 AMC had a new TV show called the “Terror”. The first season was about a British Naval polar explorers. The ships get stuck in the ice. They try to survive the harsh weather conditions and each other, while being stalked by some thing… It is a good show. You can read more about it at,

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When I first watched the show I thought that it would be a cool playset. Well Ivan at “Little Men” must have been reading my mind. Here is a new set that they are working on. It looks great. I can’t wait to get a set of these. They will be plastic and 1/32 in scale.

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Here are the new Plastic Platoon WWII Germans in production. These two sets are part of the Battle for Leningrad series. They look awesome. I will have to get all of these sets.

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The Finds


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I found a few things this week at an antique mall. I have been a fan of Auburn rubber toys for a while. The past year I found a few different trucks and jeeps. This week I added a medical truck. The guy on the Motorcycle was made by Tim Mee.

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Comic Book Soldier Ad1

Comic Book Soldier Ad

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A few weeks ago I purchased a vintage comic book. It was Moon Knight #8. On the back cover was an ad for Lucky Products Toy Soldiers. I found a bag of these this week for $5.00!!

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During the time that I have been stuck in my house I have been productive. I have been going through my collection. I have been storing things in my basement the past 10 years. They have been stored in different boxes. I have been adding shelves and storage containers the past few years. Here are a two Sherman Tanks that I found while I was sorting through things. The tank that is all green was made by New Ray. I paid around $10 for it. The other tank is by Forces of Valor. I think I paid around $40 for that one. I don’t really like spending too much for the die cast vehicles. I am not a WW II historical collector. More of an Army Man toy soldier collector. So the detail with the uniforms or tanks is not a big deal to me. Both tanks are nice. The FOV tank is highly detailed.


I still have Toy Soldiers and Star Wars toys for sale. If you are interested you can check out what I have over here, Toys for Sale.


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Well that is it for now. Thank you for reading.