The Latest News!! 07/07/2021. Conte Romans & LOD Barzso American Rangers Review. Plus Some Publius Vikings.

Welcome back for another post about toys soldiers. I hope all is well with everyone. As usual I have been real busy with work, eBay and all of my hobbies. No rest for the wicked… Today we will take a look at Conte’s new Romans, LOD Barzso American Rangers, some Publius Vikings.

I recently purchased some of Conte’s new Romans. They come in 3 different colors of Red, Silver & Gold. The are 1/32 in scale or about 57mm if they were standing tall. Each bag has 16 figures. They are packed nicely. Inside the plastic bag the figures are broken down in separate bags. Plus some have plastic supports.

Some of the figures can be customized with different arms. This way you can have some extra poses. Most of the Romans are armed with a Pilum or a Gladius. I am glad that Richard was able to produce these plastic toy soldiers. Because of the cost we see less plastic injected figures being made. I don’t have too many Ancient themed toy soldiers. The ones that I do have are Barbarians or Celtic Warriors. Now I have some Romans to fight them. We should see some future Roman sets down the line.

Right now you can order from the Conte website, 3 sets for $99 with free shipping. Here is the website,

When I was collecting Barzso Playset products one of the sets that I wish I had purchased was the American Rangers. It is a hard set to find at a reasonable price in the secondary market. Now I don’t have to worry about that because Ken at LOD Toys Soldiers has reissued them again. They are cast from the original molds and in the original lime green color or close to it. This is a great set. They are a little bigger than the earlier Colonial sets but blend well with them.

Renamed “Roger’s Rangers 3” this set was originally released in 2010 for the Bushy Run playset. Seven figures in seven poses.

I just checked the link for these figures and noticed that they are now sold out!!! I guess you will have to keep an eye out to see if the get restocked again. Here is the link for the Rangers,

A few months ago I got these Publius Vikings. As usual they are super detailed. They are about 58mm in height not counting the base. The second Viking in the above picture is a little bigger than the others.

The cost of these figures is between $10 to $25 and can be found on eBay. They are cast in a rubbery type of resin.

These figures fit nicely with a bunch of different brands.

I will have some news in a few weeks about the things I am working on. These will be 3D printed. We are testing some new figures and some other things. Thank you for reading. That is it for now.

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